Indian politics is often deep, dark and dirty. Indian Cricket is also very often no less of a cesspool. The two have begun to meet, merge and marry. The resulting mixture is therefore naturally toxic. It is into this mess that combines politics, players and power purse strings, that Shashi Tharoor decided to step in. As mentor for to the Cochin team, he may well claim that he was after all, only acting in his role as Member of Parliament. The southern state does not have a long history of cricketing passion. But now in his new role the gloves are all off. But in troops companion Sunanda who hails from Kashmir to Dubai via Canada and along comes OSD Jacob from Dubai coincidentally in the big investors who are mentored by Tharoor, to put serious money into the IPL new team are bidding from Dubai. This gang from Dubai has made Tharoor the main talking point of Delhi as no other junior minister has been in the last several years. Talking on a rude and offensive first strike by Lalit Modi has now opened up a can of worms that Tharoor with his United Nation’s experience could simply not have been prepared for. It didn’t help matters that Sunanda’s past too came under scrutiny. Sunanda has earlier only been seen in Delhi circles accompanying the Minister of State from gallery openings to smaller intimate gatherings.
Delhi was already curious about Shashi Tharoor’s personal life. It was now rivetted by this Kashmiri blonde on his arms. Fuelling Shashi’s ire at Modi’s revelation on Sunanda who magically appeared as a sweat equity holder in IPL winning Cochin bid was fuel to the fire in the form of OSD Jacob and his own set of tweets. The result of all this, a situation that Delhi has not experienced in recent times.