India is the new hub for everything. We know that even the toddlers today are more savvy and aware of the international world than my generation was. As the holiday season in Delhi starts international brands of kids clothing are busy hosting fashion shows. The models are from 3 to 10 years old. The hottest selling show stopper is Sushmita Sen’s daughter Renee. How can Indian designers be left behind. Ritu Beri has her daughter always on show when she has a fashion show for kids. They have ranges from swimsuits to lehenga-cholis and salwaar-kameez. The fashion shows are held in Mc-Donalds, ice-cream parlors and five star hotel’s swimming pools.
The mothers accompanying are dressed to kill in their shorts and designer sunglasses. They are there to cheer their kids along. New age, new trends. Actually to see the kids in this scorching heat modeling while they should be playing indoor games is not a pleasing sight while pushy wanna be mothers urge them on. During our time we were sent to Kathakali classes, paintings, shlokas learning and music so that we were in touch with our culture. Those kids are well informed about the designer and the prices of their outfits. Where is the innocence that we all loved in our children?